Friday, May 20, 2011

Here I Am, Ready to rumble again

Yup....I'm back
After all this time dan hiatus selama lebih dari 3 bulan, saya kembali ke blog ini

Banyak update yang belum di share disini coz life is tumbling down, up and down again
Tapi saya tetap bersyukur...

Yet, akhirnya my partner Cello finally landed at one of the biggest automotive company
Insya Allah, Allah akan melimpahkan rezki bagi keluarga kami lebih banyak lagi
Dan the most important things adalah Cello was very happy working there...
Walau sekarang masih dalam masa percobaan, he's very enjoy

Saya merasa bersyukur karena di dalam masa sulit kemarin ini, our parents were very support us in out and FULL
So, we were strong because of them

Me? Oh ya...i'm full a housewife now
Not working as a career woman anymore...officially..
And lagi-lagi i have to be very greatfull to have wonderfull best friends yang very helpfull
Yang ternyata mereka ada tidak hanya di saat-saat senang, tapi di saat saya crushing into pieces...

At least, i'm very happy for what i'm doing right now...
Not letting my brain empty, but filled up with creative things with touch of art and meet new people...

Tentu saja my daughters are very happy
Karena ibunya lebih punya banyak waktu buat mereka di rumah

Finally, here i am
Ready to rumble again...
Bismillah !

At Glance of Me

My photo
Mother of two cute beautiful girls, partner of my lovely hubby- Cello. Halftime working mum and finally found her passion in anything beautiful things such us decorating,home designing, fashion, cooking and parenting. This blog contains my inspirations, ideas and thought to become better person to my holly lovely family!